I Might Be Very Lame

Holiday Depression Strikes Goddess in the Lap of Luxury

Holiday Depression
It would be impossible to be depressed here, right?

At this very second I am sitting in a delicious million thread count bed feeling a bit down. Mind you, I usually get this fog of holiday depression that floats in right after Thanksgiving. I love me my Thanksgiving and then it seems like it’s downhill from there. Perhaps a lack of tryptophan or whatever the magic turkey ingredient is. This year though, I decided to get away with delicious love of my life to Mexico for a little sun, air, and reflection right before Christmas. I need this, lest the holiday depression becomes like a for sure thing.

And it’s been a super good idea. Except…

You know what FOMO is? Fear of Missing Out. Well, I do not feel like I am missing out at all. In FACT, I feel very lucky to have opted out of all of the Christmas comparison (“She looks so good, and THIN! my God, what has she done…” Sorry, I absolutely get the green dragon like a lot of other people and am good with skipping the mind numbing rat racing of those in the thick of it. Delicious love of my life went downstairs for a cocktail so I could recharge. This meant a bath and massive amounts of Pinterest and Flipboard for awhile.

And what got me to write a post on holiday depression in the midst of azure seas?

A girl who wrote a very smart piece for Brit+Co. I am OBSESSEDDDDDDDDDD with Brit+Co. Like full blown could wrap myself in the site and take a bath in it and tattoo the ideas onto my bones. Yes, that in love. (I am also very obsessed with Oh Joy’s book. So obsessed that this will put it into perspective: Yesterday I said to my bf that just in case we happened to RUN INTO Miss Joy Cho of Oh Joy! ever in an airport, he had better clear the decks, and his calendar because I will kneel down to her hemline and tell her how fabulous she is.) He promptly considered dumping this basket case.

What the girl from Brit+Co has to do with depression:

I read the article Miss Sophia Epitropolous wrote on 5 Ways to Overcome Holiday Perfectionism. Note: She did not say depression, but somehow, in the midst of thinking, oh, great, I can follow her sage advice in item #1: “Stay organized, but don’t overdo it.” Well, my friends know that I am fairly psychotically organized, but suddenly I read the tips, reflipped the article into my own Flipboard, “Things I Should Blog About” and suddenly I got depressed because I was NOT blogging for Brit+Co and in fact, I should probably be blogging a hell of a lot more on my own site now-that-I-think-about-it and I sunk fast (it didn’t take much) into a Christmas-what-am-I-doing-with-my-life solo chick fit.

So, girls with everything, there is hope.

I am SUREEEE I am going to get 100 private messages about people who don’t have food this holiday season, nor beds, nor water, so how could I possibly even put in print that I feel depressed? Well, sorry. I guess I’m doing my own LGBT version of coming out for my own flagging. Flogging? Sometimes even those of us who “appear to have it all”, and that’s when you KNOW to get suspicious because none of us do, re-read this blog and know that yours truly here still fights the blues, just like you do/might.

And as for what to do about Brit+Co?

I’m going to put it on my 2016 Goals List to meet Miss Brit Morin and while I’m at it, maybe run into the hem of Joy Cho and Miss Sophia while I’m at it. Thanks ladies, just venting has almost solved the problem. At the very least, I hope to have sent some good-holiday-juju-SEO-traffic your way.

Trouble in your bubble?

Do tell in your comments below. If they are nice put them below. Remember, I’m depressed.

Want more?

Go and check out Sophia’s great article and learn all 5 tips. Keep up the good work, girls.


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