Here It Is! The Weekly Roundup of Event Photos and Inspiration – Weeks 5 & 6
OK, well, we I got a little behind and didn’t get last week’s images up and running so now you’ve got TWO weeks of images to ogle over. Oops, sorry! Let us know what you think of them. Click on the individual weeks to check out Week 1, Week 2, Week 3 and Week 4. Tell us which are your favorites in the comments below!
Skip this part if you already know the drill – In cased you missed it, here’s what we’re doing, mentioned in the first blog (and if you already know what’s going on, skip to the first photo!): “Every afternoon we’re posting event photos & inspiration to my Instagram page to give you ideas for your own events, and of course, encourage you to hire yours truly, fabulous event planner in California for your next soiree! In terms of format, we’re trying to capitalize on the whole hashtag calendar world and take advantage of #WeddingWednesday (#WW) and #ThrowbackThursday (#TT) by posting wedding photos and cool stuff we’ve done on Wednesdays and on Thursdays, harkening back to a past client’s event, be it a celebrity, or just one of us tastemakers. So…here is the first weekly round up of my favorite Instagram images that we posted. (For more event images, click here.) Enjoy and tell me which one is your favorite in the comments below?”
Favorite Event Photos and Inspiration – Monday:
The week of April 13, 2015
I’m a big fan, shocker, of more is more, which is why I love this wedding aisle jam packed with tons and tons of rose petals and shells for a gorge wedding at The Jonathan Club in Santa Monica. The rsvp cards featured these super great, skinny starfish. LOVE.

Favorite Event Photos and Inspiration – Tuesday:
Love the beach ornament favors, the beautiful shades of pink and the dreamy candle light. Plus the Lilly Pulitzer-esque shades of the ribbon just pull the blooms all together. Right?

Favorite Event Photos and Inspiration – Wednesday:
Happy #WeddingWednesday (#WW): Black and white beautiful (and skinny, sweet Jesus) bride on the beach with those amazing fat lollipops. What else can I say? LOVE.

Favorite Event Photos and Inspiration -Thursday:
#ThrowbackThursday (#TBT) to the wedding shot of this same Santa Monica drop dead gorgeous event. The funny image below the blue heart is the groom’s cake. He loves his cigars. 🙂

Favorite Event Photos and Inspiration – Friday:
A close up shot of those beach ornaments and the happy couple later in the night. Looks like they made the right decision. To get married that is. (Oh, and hire us.) Ha!

* * *
The Week of April 20, 2015 – Now we’re back on target!
Favorite Event Photos and Inspiration – Monday:
LOVE this job we did at Katherine Heigl’s then home for her sister. Lots of yellow petals set off the great modern pool and yellow was used EVERYWHERE. Super cheerful for the daytime.

Favorite Event Photos and Inspiration – Tuesday:
The apple green linens were reinforced with, well, apples.

Favorite Event Photos and Inspiration – Wednesday:
Happy #WeddingWednesday (#WW): Even though it wasn’t a wedding, it could’ve been. Drill down on those amazing little cocktail tables covered in moss, rocks and orchid blooms. They had plexi tops only on PART of the tables so you could touch the greenery but still have a place for your drink to land. 🙂

Favorite Event Photos and Inspiration -Thursday:
#ThrowbackThursday (#TBT) to the photo with Miss Katherine herself. It’s no wonder the girl is so freaking successful with that amazing smile.

Favorite Event Photos and Inspiration – Friday:
That day was HOT. Thank God the blooms were brought and the ‘brellas were out. It was perfect afternoon cocktail cool down weather, though. P.S. Her husband is HOT and NICE. #Love.

Want to see more Event Photos and Inspiration?
Check these out!
Party for Katherine Heigl’s Sister
Relaxing Island Decor & Inspiration
Event Photos and Inspiration – I’m In Love:
Do tell?! What did you think of this week’s images? What are some of your favorite wedding sources and what else would you like featured here? Share them in the comments below so we can all get inspired! Stop back every weekend to get the previous week’s Instagram recap of Event Photos and Inspiration!
xoxo M
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