Here It Is! The Weekly Roundup of Event Photos and Inspiration – Week 11
Hallelujah, the weekly round ups are going up on time. Not sure what else to say, but I’m happy because our parties are so cool! Sorry, had to say it. If you want to book one, it’s easy, just go here!
If you’re a regular follower of our Vodka and Donuts Blog, you know this, if not, read below. The event we featured this week was an 80th birthday party for a super sweet customer whose family I have known forever. He and his wife were big travelers so we incorporated a lot of those elements in the party – thus the references to Africa, Asia and the VW. They drove one in Germany when they were first married to get around AND to sleep in. Crazy, but great juice to fire up my design ideas!
Skip this part if you already know: In cased you missed it, here’s what we’re doing, this was mentioned in the first event photo recap blog: “Every afternoon we’re posting event photos & inspiration to my Instagram page to give you ideas for your own events, and of course, encourage you to hire yours truly, fabulous event planner in California for your next soiree! In terms of format, we’re trying to capitalize on the whole hashtag calendar world and take advantage of #WeddingWednesday (#WW) and #ThrowbackThursday (#TT) by posting wedding photos and cool stuff we’ve done on Wednesdays and on Thursdays, harkening back to a past client’s event, be it a celebrity, or just one of us tastemakers. So…here is the first weekly round up of my favorite Instagram images that we posted. (For more event images, click here.) Enjoy and tell me which one is your favorite in the comments below?”
Favorite Event Photos and Inspiration – Monday:
The party was divided into 4 distinct areas: Africa, Asia, a German biergarten and a movie theatre since the guest of honor loved his old movies. There are so many details in this shot – love the zebras, giraffe and suitcases. If you look closely, you’ll see the birthday boy’s “head” on a stake next to the giraffe. Amazing photography by John Chapple!

Favorite Event Photos and Inspiration – Tuesday:
When you go on safari in Africa, you’re in search of “The Big 5”: Lion, elephant, cape buffalo, leopard and the rhino. We captured the rhino here! 🙂 The horns in the second shot were some “naturally fallen” ones I collected. Love that term.

Favorite Event Photos and Inspiration – Wednesday:
Happy #WeddingWednesday (#WW): I have a bottle obsession. Literally, I collect them from everywhere and paint them, repaint and then add to decor, centerpieces, the whole nine. This centerpiece collection was part of the Asian area where guests had dim sum (get the scoop on dim sum here – love the concept for events) passed on carts and at a super long metal tables. The second shot really did have the mustard and ketchup in it from the biergarten area. Like a little German picnic! 🙂 Here’s a great article in Esquire on How to Survive a Biergarten.

Favorite Event Photos and Inspiration -Thursday:
#ThrowbackThursday (#TBT) to the laughing Buddha of the event. This guy was about 9x the size of me and was parked right at the entrance to the party. LOVED HIM. Check out the steamer trunk and a better shot of that VW – “The People’s Car”.

Favorite Event Photos and Inspiration – Friday:
The biergarten featured Chimay White on tap with customized beer mugs (that lit up, natch.) Beer Advocate gives it 4.5 stars, who knew?

Want to see more Event Photos and Inspiration?
Check these out!
Relaxing Island Decor & Inspiration
What You Need to Be a Great Hostess
Event Photos and Inspiration – Plus, tell me what else you want to see on the blog!:
Want us to help planning your next event? Super easy! Just click here.
Do tell?! What did you think of this week’s images? What are some of your favorite sources for inspiration, flowers, trends and all things fashionable? Share them in the comments below so we can all get inspired! Stop back every weekend to get the previous week’s Instagram recap of Event Photos and Inspiration! Share, share, share in the comment section (especially how YOU survived a biergarten.)
xoxo M
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