I’ve Decided To Start A Tribe…

…And I Need You.

OK, right now I am downing hoodia pops (eat candy, lose weight, ask me how) and I am also reading Seth Godin’s new book, Tribes. Why can’t I be Seth Godin? The guy is a freakin’ genius. Anyway, he talks about tribes and defines them as: “a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea.” He goes on to say: “For millions of years, human beings have been part of one tribe or another. A group needs only two things to be a tribe: a shared interest and a way to communicate.” I would like to add one thing and say that you need a shared interest, a way to communicate and something devilishly exciting.

So when I went to Korean vibrational therapy this morning which is basically a cult started by Illchi Lee (or some other name that sounds like kimchee – remember, I’m only at phoenetic Korean at this point) and he takes people to Sedona to meditate and work on their brain stems. Then I started thinking about L. Ron Hubbard. L. Ron (I think since I’m in L.A. he should be called El Ron) came up with his own Scientological cult, so why can’t I have a Party Goddess cult, I mean tribe? 

I think I’m going to. I am going to have my graphic artist create a clubhouse for us (it’ll be like virtual clubhouse that we can meet in) and it’s going to be a tipi (I never did figure out how to spell that – teepee?). I’m going to come up with fun rules for all of us and focus on having a lot of glitter. Then maybe when you join you’re going to get a special sticker or something. Not sure yet.

However, we need a name. Could you guys please come up with a bunch of names and post a comment on the blog? I will start posting these comments. Then when I have a bunch of names for our cult, I will create a survey and we can all vote on them. Sound good? It’ll be like our own pink secret society with “Kate Hudson” being the answer to the password questions. The username can be: The Secret (get it, our little secret.) Ha! I just made up my own pink club.

To get you guys started, here are a few synonyms for the word tribe: clan, dynasty (I kind of like the whole dynasty thing?), bunch, faction, sect. But then what do we do? I’m stuck. The Party Goddess Clan? That sounds stupid. Can you guys give me some fun names? I will then award a prize, for sure. Let’s have a good time, I’m having Merri Jill create the logo and the clubhouse, right now. Standby.

P.S. But seriously, please do not make me beg you for ideas. I love my people and evidently I need like 1,000 followers to make life worthwhile. I get double that in terms of hits/day so please vote for our tribe name. I’m going to post some fun stuff about tribal members coming up. Standby x 2.

P.P.S. Again. If you have not friended me on Facebook, joined the fan club, Tweeted me, etc. please do. I am in a popularity contest and I really want to win. Can you tell some friends? Where are you people? Freakin’ Laura Maloney man, one of my bff’s and she just joined the fan club. If Laura can’t join the fan club, then who the hell are my friends? This is devastating. I think I need a cocktail and it’s not very late. Yes, Laura, I think I still am pissed about that. Evidently.

One response to “I’ve Decided To Start A Tribe…”

  1. A tribe? How cool! Okay, here are some ideas….

    “The Party Goddess Gals” (but, then maybe the tribe is not all women,?)

    “Pink Pals” (well, this one borders on the same name as hospital volunteer ladies)

    “It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere” tribe….(yes, it DOES sound kinda country, huh? But hey, it REALLY IS five o’clock somewhere and somebody is havin’ a cocktail :))
    okay,….time for a refill…I’ll keep thinkin’! 🙂

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Welcome to my sparkly world as a celebrity event planner, TV contributor & author obsessed with Louboutins, glitter + travel. Forever in search of the perfect donut. If you like something pin it!

