Here’s What’s Up Over Here

I just emailed a girlfriend of mine to give her a state of the union on my life because clearly neither one of us can get to the phone at the same time (I blame this squarely on myself.) I decided that I would give you all a state of the union because I have been dark for a few days (Laura I will call you later).

* After finishing the delightful, sTORI TELLING by Tori Spelling, I stand by my claim that I really like her and her Mom is whacka-doo.

* Despite all of my training in manifesting greatness, I still have not found Kate Hudson as a client and am desperate to do so. I am going to have to re-watch The Secret.

* I have had to completely turn off all forms of media since I can no longer listen to anything about candidates, elections or bank failures. I am a cheerful girl trying to make it in this world and my mood is swinging from mild-severe depression when anything other than my laptop is plugged in. The fact that only election and economy related stories are on the news was confirmed when my publicist told me that I can’t even get booked on any tv stuff right now because they are only doing political and budget related stuff. I pitched doing an election party on a budget. Everyone should be happy. :>

* My son started pre-school yesterday. According to the nanny, I/we were one of only three “parents” who didn’t STAY during the entire first day/class session. Stay? I was lucky to remember that my angel was still in diapers and might actually need to be changed. Everyone had matching backpacks and embroidered names. We arrived, had to go back to the car when we saw all of the fancyness, grabbed a little canvas number from the car and wrote in permanent marker – STANLEY. We are a high class bunch; at least I spelled his name right – actually I better check on that.

*  Here’s my new mantra: “No matter what is happening in the world, I am cheerful, wonderfully and excitingly planning delicious parties with delightful profit margins and lots of alcohol.” On that note, I’m heading to Washington Mutual to pull my cash. Toodles!

2 responses to “Here’s What’s Up Over Here”

  1. I have been reading you for a while and not commenting too often. I felt todays blog was particularly humanizing. Thank You.

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