Take a Look Inside The Party Goddess!

We have all sorts of fun here at The Party Goddess! offices.

When we’re not working on a client’s crazy event you can probably find us painting a little chalkboard paint on the walls and coming up with something fun to say.

Here’s a picture of the entrance to my office. Even if you don’t have an office, wouldn’t it be exciting to do a chalkboard paint section in your kitchen…or perhaps the garage for the kids to use at their discretion?

Depending on how how crazy you’d like to get, you can always add some flare to a dress form. We happened to use pink gumballs, feathers, and zebra print to make ours, but you can choose whatever kind of statement that you like.

We have our little lady right in the front seating area to greet our guests when they walk in!

In order to make the process of checking the mail a bit more fun, we have this designated area marked with a homemade sign.

Sometimes a small touch can add a whimsical and relaxed feeling to a place that is usually lacking in that area…the office. This can be a great idea for the kid’s designated homework station. By giving them the freedom to get creative with it, they may learn to love the space, right?

Last but definitely not least, we have our beautiful Party Goddess mascots on our wall.

It’s our animal-friendly version where we get to express our creativity. Each (plastic) deer head is adorned with jewels, tiaras, or faux fur.

The fun never ends when you allow yourself to get a little crazy and creative.

Who says your home and your kid’s spaces have to be cookie-cutter cute?

Think outside of the box and see what you can come up with as a family. Before you know it, your children will be begging to do their homework.

A girl can dream, right?

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Welcome to my sparkly world as a celebrity event planner, TV contributor & author obsessed with Louboutins, glitter + travel. Forever in search of the perfect donut. If you like something pin it!

