I have been a challenged blogger, not because I am depressed of late but because I am flying back and forth to New York to try and keep TPG publicity alive while simultaneously actually working our events and FedExing milk back for my three month old. Oops, and I just realized that I have a piano test coming up on Wednesday that I need to make FLASHCARDS for to make sure I know 40 some definitions, symbols, etc. Help. Life is difficult; light a candle.
Anyway, today I drove in my monster, non-hybrid SUV to Whole Foods (after the appointment with my trainer that I also drove to, very L.A. of me) in search of something healthy. I bought cookies. I blame this totally on the Whole Foods people. They are supposed to be doing something healthy for the world, which is why I went there. I went to escape myself and go into a temptation-free environment, like my own personal hyperbaric chamber. This did not work. These cookies have regular sugar, regular flour, chocolate, etc. Speaking of chocolate, I thought I would buy a dark chocolate bar because dark chocolate is really good for you, right? So, I bought the darkest package I could find, thinking I guess that the darker the wrapper, the darker the chocolate inside. My healthy friend this weekend told me that I am supposed to be going for like 80% cocoa (she might have said cacao, very fancy.) Anyway, with this dark brown wrapper I figured this bar was at about 95%. More bad news, I looked at the very fine print (after eating half of it, deeming it the most delicious “healthy” food I’ve ever tasted) and of course it was like 46% cacao. This is extremely unfortunate for me but not, evidently, for the cooperative full of children who grew those cocoa beans. It very clearly says on the label that no one was harmed or abused in the production of my fattening chocolate yet it was processed in a factory with nuts. Thank goodness.
So now that I clearly can’t be healthy to save my life, I decided to read an article on super foods and antioxidants. This helped tremendously. I am now heading to McDonald’s in my gas-saving Mini Cooper to try out what I learned. Thank you land of oxymorons. And how was your day?
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