I swore on my life that I was done with the computer and the blog and the whole thing for tonight but this is just too much. First we have The Real Housewives of NYC spend the entire night talking about how much money they have and how to get into the right social circles. I think that I am about to barf up all of those wonderful cookies I just ate. Why does it seem like it is appealing for someone to admit that they are a social climber and talk about how much their houses cost and why they need to be seen in the Hamptons? Vomitous rising. The only normal one is Betheny (sp?) who is the natural food chef. She is cool and wants to live downtown as opposed to living on the Upper East Side. Oh fine, please want to live on the Upper East Side but we don’t need to know how much your real estate is worth. Check out the NYCers’ blogs at BravoTV.
OK, now I’m watching the Millionaire Matchmaker and clearly the guys have to be millionaires to join and find the chicks. The two guys (season finale) Heinz – like the ketchup, and Paul, real estate developer from Vegas (ok, channeling an odd eyebrow wax but I’ll get over it) are actually really nice. They are successful but no one was handing out their accountant’s phone number and no one was mink hunting and no one was quite so desperate to be seated at the right table at the Opera gala. There is just something great to be said for nice people with manners. I swear Universe, tomorrow is going to be solely about being nice and finding manners. Oh heavens, I need to unplug everything. Contractions are coming.
Photo courtesy of BravoTV.
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