A little while ago, my friend asked me if I have a gift closet. My immediate answer was “No.” But then after thinking about it for a second, I asked myself what exactly did I call that shelf where my keys are that houses fun gifts at the ready? Well, I guess it’s a gift closet/shelf. Since I seem to be the go to girl lately for hostess gifts, I think that this gift shelf deal fits right in line with my advice lately. But not just any gift shelf after all, because this is TPG Worldwide you’re dealing with.
I don’t know about you, but getting/giving a bottle of wine (except in special instances where the person really covets a certain kind of wine) is B-O-R-I-N-G. I am not saying that I have not drunk every ounce of liquified booze I have ever been given, because I have done so gleefully, but I’m just saying there are so many more options. Just get yourself a gift shelf.
In stock right now is a ton of stuff from a great company called Knock, Knock. Their stuff is HYSTERICAL. They have really ridiculous file folders marked: Tomorrow, Someday, Never (and you check the appropriate box). They have Post-It’s with similar pathetic messages. You have to check out their site: www.KnockKnock.biz for a ton of great ideas and stores that carry the stuff. I think a delightful hostess gift is one of their Menu Binders because you can organize all of your restaurant menus and junk by type of cuisine (whether they be takeout or not.) There stuff is not expensive and depending on how well you know (and like) the recipient, you can get a stack of their goodies and just gift a single item or put a bunch of them together. I like this line because it works for both men and women. Check out my new favorite thing – The Savvy Convert’s Guide to Choosing A Religion. Absolutely perfectly obnoxious.
It was a great idea. Gift closet is very nice. I too like to create a gift closet.
Thank you
That is a very interesting idea. I know my mom did this growing up. She always had a closet designated for Christmas Gifts, Birthday Gifts and much more. It was always easy to find out what our gifts were though. I think if she would have had a more custom closets like in New Jersey closet designs she probably would have had more success in hiding the gifts. Thanks for the information. I think I will get a gift closet.